25 Best Valentines Day Wreaths


These lovely and unique DIY Valentines Day Wreaths will help you spread the love. There are lots of heart-warming DIY ideas for Valentine’s Day crafts, ranging from festive floral wreaths to fabric and ribbon wreaths.

I hope you’ll love these DIY Valentines Day Wreath Ideas, so make sure to check all of them.

valentines day wreath 7

Valentines Day Wreath Ideas

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1. Heart Shaped Rose Wreath

Credit: Amazon

2. Valentine Square Rose Wreath

DSC 1940 2
Credit: Thrifty Decorating

3. Tinsel Heart Wreath

Credit: Kathe With Ane

4. Tissue Paper Heart Wreath

tissue paper heart wreath featured image1
Credit: Crafts by Courtney

5. Coffee Filter Heart Wreath

heart wreath
Credit: The Bold Abode

6. Chevron & Sparkle Wreath

chevron and sparkle valentine wreath
Credit: Tatertots & Jello

7. Valentine’s Day Ribbon Wreath

Credit: The Speckled Dog

8. Conversation Heart Wreath

conversation heart wreath 1
Credit: Crafts by Amanda

9. Valentine Ribbon Wreath

IMG 4243
Credit: She’s Kinds Crafty

10. Paper Straw Wreath

Paper Straw Wreath
Credit: Two Twenty-One

11. Rose Wreath

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Credit: Yarner

12. Whimsical Valentine Wreath

Credit: Tatertots and Jello

13. Valentine Wreath

tissue paper rosette valentine day wreath 3 2 thumb1
Credit: It All Started With Paint

14. Sweet Valentine’s Day Wreath

Valentines Day Decor DIY Valentines Wreath
Credit: Making Homebase

15. Valentine’s Heart Willow Wreath

Credit: The Cards We Drew

16. Valentine’s Day Tulle Wreath

Credit: Craft Outlet

17. DIY Clothespin Wreath

Valentines wreath
Credit: Kitchen Cents

18. Deco Mesh Valentine Wreath

deco mesh valentine wreath
Credit: Crafty Morning

19. Wood Valentine’s Day Wreath

close up wood heart wreath
Credit:  Pretty Handy Girl

20. Valentine’s Candy Wreath

Credit: Crazy Little Projects

21. Pom Pom Wreath

Credit: Honey Bear Lane

22. Burlap & Yarn Valentine’s Day Wreath 

Credit: Fox Hollow Cottage

23. Valentine’s Hearts & Flowers Felt Wreath

Valentines hearts flowers wreath littleredwindow.jpg
Credit: Little Red Window

24. Heart Argyle Valentine’s Wreath

Credit: Mine for the Making

25. Yarn Wrapped Hearts Wreath

valentine wreath
Credit: Fynes Designs

Now comes the important question… Which Valentines Day Wreath Ideas do you like the most? Please let me know in the comments.

Few more valentine’s day ideas to try !!!

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valentines day wreath 5


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