25 Best Thanksgiving Table Settings


Thanksgiving table settings are one of the most important parts of the Thanksgiving dinner. Thanksgiving tablescapes can be a great way to decorate your Thanksgiving table and add to the holiday spirit. Thanksgiving tablescapes are beautiful, yet simple!

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Elegant Thanksgiving Table Settings

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There are many ways you can set a beautiful table for Thanksgiving.

Below are a few points that shouldn’t be ignored.

  • Set the table the night before
  • Get creative with place cards
  • Be strategic about food placement
  • Keep knives and forks together
  • Think about your guests
  • Make your seating chart in advance.
  • Pick a color palette and stick to it.
  • Choose a centerpiece.

25. Elegant Fall Floral Tablepalomacontrerasdesign

316733818 885902732784466 3524001171870106670 n.jpg? nc cat=110&ccb=1 7& nc sid=8ae9d6& nc ohc=hdoW7hu QE4AX U8vfU& nc ad=z m& nc cid=0& nc ht=scontent.cdninstagram

24. Sage Green Fall Tablevoicebehindthelens

386188997 709911954283836 8735840559299333954 n.jpg? nc cat=105&ccb=1 7& nc sid=8ae9d6& nc ohc= eD k1wIc2UAX y nWK& nc oc=AQnyFsl4TgT9oCPjnVUts3csudqs6XdZvtGmY0wAwC5R apwT2CQQfywHP5YEtzuXa2DbQJsoR93xTcreitSGOwq& nc ad=z m& nc cid=0& nc ht=scontent.cdninstagram

23. Farmhouse Pumpkin Table Decorfaith.and.farmhouse

385021630 18072422824416650 8025497042519623649 n.jpg? nc cat=111&ccb=1 7& nc sid=8ae9d6& nc ohc=ssQT 7gVvKsAX88EWX0& nc ad=z m& nc cid=0& nc ht=scontent.cdninstagram

22. Golde & White Thanksgiving Tableareahomedecor

384551471 1002560660985687 8543144759740780765 n.jpg? nc cat=109&ccb=1 7& nc sid=8ae9d6& nc ohc=KvEB9jQyHK0AX gxV1O& nc ad=z m& nc cid=0& nc ht=scontent.cdninstagram

21. Fall Floral Tablekathrynlottdesign

375512694 856379835604184 3976564590679953331 n.jpg? nc cat=109&ccb=1 7& nc sid=8ae9d6& nc ohc=BNMDfbKi7LwAX8EkPiO& nc ad=z m& nc cid=0& nc ht=scontent.cdninstagram

20. Turkey Day Tablescapeelcolorestaservido

316586897 1345809549578765 9061085026138429871 n.jpg? nc cat=103&ccb=1 7& nc sid=8ae9d6& nc ohc=a J6ZUAdkaUAX 0xCTa& nc ad=z m& nc cid=0& nc ht=scontent.cdninstagram

19. Pumpkin Themed Tablenissalynninteriors

378788220 6862413780449713 1475276816640155119 n.jpg? nc cat=111&ccb=1 7& nc sid=8ae9d6& nc ohc=qGM4 XtVkCMAX8mQkWf& nc ad=z m& nc cid=0& nc ht=scontent.cdninstagram

18. Baby Boo Pumpkin Tabledecoratordiva1

379561075 986481142574141 5926120666249060115 n.jpg? nc cat=108&ccb=1 7& nc sid=8ae9d6& nc ohc= r0ut3UmmgAX9NNM37& nc ad=z m& nc cid=0& nc ht=scontent.cdninstagram

17. Floral Thanksgiving Tablejulia_amc

368716419 1737372130069795 3509063743773935022 n.jpg? nc cat=107&ccb=1 7& nc sid=8ae9d6& nc ohc=MB rlAy5ZkEAX mEy4o& nc ad=z m& nc cid=0& nc ht=scontent.cdninstagram

16. Blessed Thanksgiving Tableto_mimishousewego

316433147 1208565563407378 8765129771792558622 n.jpg? nc cat=110&ccb=1 7& nc sid=8ae9d6& nc ohc= KNOmp3sRL8AX xzB C& nc ad=z m& nc cid=0& nc ht=scontent.cdninstagram

15. Elegant & Minimal Pumpkin Tablejensgatheringnest

378561897 6598237713585245 239073794236845431 n.jpg? nc cat=109&ccb=1 7& nc sid=8ae9d6& nc ohc=1M15q Owg84AX OHYw3& nc oc=AQlY3bneNYaUw59KvVLqxzZcTOurQfjU9QoewLjjWd0Ypoj e3ux 7tnd6iv2qw3qNrOpRUcEK2p8MmUdmbyNZ48& nc ad=z m& nc cid=0& nc ht=scontent.cdninstagram

14. Autumn Harvest Tableonassisandclaire

385529934 314287647874294 4676452707207269710 n.jpg? nc cat=106&ccb=1 7& nc sid=8ae9d6& nc ohc=J1lFuaFjEiYAX ULgl0& nc ad=z m& nc cid=0& nc ht=scontent.cdninstagram

13. Purple Pumpkin Tabledecoratordiva1

375531207 955573155505922 1288494896582200549 n.jpg? nc cat=106&ccb=1 7& nc sid=8ae9d6& nc ohc=6il9IffEi6MAX98kyTx& nc ad=z m& nc cid=0& nc ht=scontent.cdninstagram

12. Elegant Fall Tablecherrystreetblossoms

316153306 852957835741440 3032330807109657876 n.jpg? nc cat=111&ccb=1 7& nc sid=8ae9d6& nc ohc=scMmtVH 0BYAX8t7auB& nc ad=z m& nc cid=0& nc ht=scontent.cdninstagram

11. Vintage Thanksgiving Tableour1925home

316025433 1156260885302905 2093959708872335590 n.jpg? nc cat=101&ccb=1 7& nc sid=8ae9d6& nc ohc=2YUevpBAVq4AX9 VWmK& nc oc=AQmVbZB4VtTflhtHWF1NtvomQyXKFoIf1dTxACYsdSr3u8E7Y8pdZeBsb68HGPdwAwXRGSRQ52VHEP62qEprT xO& nc ad=z m& nc cid=0& nc ht=scontent.cdninstagram

10. Simple Thanksgiving Tableto_mimishousewego

316742533 691021959048670 8089962500027950075 n.jpg? nc cat=104&ccb=1 7& nc sid=8ae9d6& nc ohc=yGXGnDCgMBIAX r882S& nc ad=z m& nc cid=0& nc ht=scontent.cdninstagram

9. Gold & White Thanksgiving Tabledamariscon_stilo

316531496 718671333263180 4113800991688689629 n.jpg? nc cat=108&ccb=1 7& nc sid=8ae9d6& nc ohc=C 2 XiOev6IAX 9t5Wj& nc ad=z m& nc cid=0& nc ht=scontent.cdninstagram

8. Autumn Themed Tablescaperubabgetsreal

385257419 18001533308294193 629175490290371929 n.jpg? nc cat=100&ccb=1 7& nc sid=8ae9d6& nc ohc=Hry23v11IooAX8eTEjh& nc ad=z m& nc cid=0& nc ht=scontent.cdninstagram

7. Autumn Foliage Tablescapefollowinghannah

322394003 479750767572815 6721275144222193238 n.jpg? nc cat=103&ccb=1 7& nc sid=8ae9d6& nc ohc=KiHoyCgoAwkAX9FZ83Y& nc ad=z m& nc cid=0& nc ht=scontent.cdninstagram

6. Golden Fall Tablescapeelda_.salazar

375066071 3422734951310323 7397070468354599580 n.jpg? nc cat=102&ccb=1 7& nc sid=8ae9d6& nc ohc=PpKnxebam9gAX8jZ361& nc ad=z m& nc cid=0& nc ht=scontent.cdninstagram

5. Natural Fall Table Settingthecolonial_on_park

317372965 147219667771123 1195638229569169230 n.jpg? nc cat=100&ccb=1 7& nc sid=8ae9d6& nc ohc=4vaTq oIHNoAX95IvAh& nc ad=z m& nc cid=0& nc ht=scontent.cdninstagram

4. Autumn Themed Tablescapeone.blessed.home

382717148 1108425736804481 4967995147417393352 n.jpg? nc cat=104&ccb=1 7& nc sid=8ae9d6& nc ohc=vC1NrgNWpKAAX9es30S& nc ad=z m& nc cid=0& nc ht=scontent.cdninstagram

3. Harvest Filled Cornucopia amymontgomeryhome

316698670 1557031731394800 6576078310325072873 n.jpg? nc cat=102&ccb=1 7& nc sid=8ae9d6& nc ohc=to7IgTKMssgAX wzL7A& nc ad=z m& nc cid=0& nc ht=scontent.cdninstagram

2. Earthy Fall Tablenicia___a

378447213 1010987833577778 8706128496263093823 n.jpg? nc cat=100&ccb=1 7& nc sid=8ae9d6& nc ohc=hoc3GLV23P0AX81pgZ2& nc oc=AQl9PNfhNUu3Z4cY8FURtTw whdV3ijYNXLm2ZajKfkICCVEbzIypLWqWJKfr0WoksUNa1kWoMK YtUUMzTORSCG& nc ad=z m& nc cid=0& nc ht=scontent.cdninstagram

1. Warm Toned Thanksgiving Tablerobyns_frenchnest

385735442 647500847465585 3242216718483408981 n.jpg? nc cat=103&ccb=1 7& nc sid=8ae9d6& nc ohc=MXah M2X28sAX9Bja64& nc ad=z m& nc cid=0& nc ht=scontent.cdninstagram

Now comes the important question… Which Thanksgiving table settings do you like the most? Please let me know in the comments.

Few more Thanksgiving recipes!!!

Want to save this for later? Post these Thanksgiving Table Settings to the “Thanksgiving Table Decor” OR “Thanksgiving Tablescapes” Board!

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cheap easy dollar tree diy thanksgiving table settings


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