35 DIY Christmas Ornaments


Here is a collection of DIY Christmas ornaments that can be used as gifts and Christmas tree decorations. These DIY Christmas ornaments are perfect for beginners, as well as more experienced crafters.

Making Christmas ornaments is a lot of fun, and you can do it with your kids.

This is a great project for all ages!

You can make them with just a few supplies and some time.

The possibilities are endless when it comes to making your own Christmas ornaments.

Here are some ideas for how you can use this holiday season.

cheap diy christmas ornaments to gift and sell

Festive DIY Christmas Ornaments

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35. Glass Cupcake Ornamentcolormadehappy

317181178 1370131016858234 147085408885655070 n.jpg? nc cat=105&ccb=1 7& nc sid=c4dd86& nc ohc=W nMj OQJMoAX8oWpyF& nc ad=z m& nc cid=0& nc ht=scontent.cdninstagram

34. Folded Paper Snowflakes Ornaments tavonamai

316482642 442635061372052 7516506542680818535 n.jpg? nc cat=106&ccb=1 7& nc sid=c4dd86& nc ohc=igJ1xAsg6KUAX8M71pc& nc oc=AQkPOiHFZtfYC06pe7g SehLgRZD0cCZ9mJoQ TLIf68BiS BGIqcZjUoZwyDak9ZcU1JqmvTR6QL uRmFxf4I P& nc ad=z m& nc cid=0& nc ht=scontent.cdninstagram

33. Paper Straw Stars simplypaintedwhite

319124423 670216238080519 6238284598123069418 n.jpg? nc cat=109&ccb=1 7& nc sid=c4dd86& nc ohc=9ISvEQFO390AX9SDz5H& nc ad=z m& nc cid=0& nc ht=scontent.cdninstagram

32. Bright Styrofoam Ball ornamentspolkadotchair

318035322 883804292642409 3897476178452946446 n.jpg? nc cat=103&ccb=1 7& nc sid=c4dd86& nc ohc=T6YLq RuvcMAX 3I7 h& nc ad=z m& nc cid=0& nc ht=scontent.cdninstagram

31. Woven Star/Snowflake Ornamentscarrierhoades

391757192 732148875400207 8437617173330814356 n.jpg? nc cat=107&ccb=1 7& nc sid=c4dd86& nc ohc=Pbv6uRwzjqgAX wWft8& nc ad=z m& nc cid=0& nc ht=scontent.cdninstagram

30. Sparkling Mould Ornaments redesignwithprima

387755532 626473766225574 1731570226159690183 n.jpg? nc cat=103&ccb=1 7& nc sid=c4dd86& nc ohc=hb2NRDuCDfEAX WYKF & nc ad=z m& nc cid=0& nc ht=scontent.cdninstagram

29. Christmas Reno Ball lovinhope__

318308182 5705439239523964 210827544802616855 n.jpg? nc cat=105&ccb=1 7& nc sid=c4dd86& nc ohc=q1jZkQt1Ek8AX lhy5R& nc ad=z m& nc cid=0& nc ht=scontent.cdninstagram

28. DIY Velvet Christmas Ornamentsflawlesshomedecorbykeila

387675002 1055040928986636 2523481874185454444 n.jpg? nc cat=111&ccb=1 7& nc sid=c4dd86& nc ohc=P8xjbDAu8X4AX8JiGHy& nc ad=z m& nc cid=0& nc ht=scontent.cdninstagram

27.  DIY Clothespin Snowflake Ornamentshammonsnest

358163082 240683162067937 1093980811101588864 n.jpg? nc cat=102&ccb=1 7& nc sid=c4dd86& nc ohc=lvJaxCfwxXcAX 5ZPqe& nc ad=z m& nc cid=0& nc ht=scontent.cdninstagram

26. DIY Velvet Ornamentshauz.and.co

317603872 1619658568454850 472643043239028976 n.jpg? nc cat=101&ccb=1 7& nc sid=c4dd86& nc ohc=EKBDJMnRWzgAX9wkvJh& nc ad=z m& nc cid=0& nc ht=scontent.cdninstagram

25. Rustic Painted Dupe Ornamentstarynfalconerhome

314721646 636482314874868 4563205884376594781 n.jpg? nc cat=108&ccb=1 7& nc sid=c4dd86& nc ohc=hUHn5aezPg0AX Mffrp& nc ad=z m& nc cid=0& nc ht=scontent.cdninstagram

24. Macrame Mini Christmas Treesmacramelif

314654945 1150003648942526 3052121827286198351 n.jpg? nc cat=103&ccb=1 7& nc sid=c4dd86& nc ohc=WaCIHXQzT50AX9pwVR0& nc ad=z m& nc cid=0& nc ht=scontent.cdninstagram

23. Little Santa Salt Dough Handprint Ornaments trinawesson

318642205 702712171223190 2357511757134494564 n.jpg? nc cat=105&ccb=1 7& nc sid=c4dd86& nc ohc=8prvrnybcVAAX8CHevy& nc ad=z m& nc cid=0& nc ht=scontent.cdninstagram

22. DIY Angel Ornamentssoulful__notions

246011877 125077776553865 5601963456972803030 n.jpg? nc cat=102&ccb=1 7& nc sid=c4dd86& nc ohc=8NUAVeqjqg8AX89TP8o& nc ad=z m& nc cid=0& nc ht=scontent.cdninstagram

21. DIY Mosaic Christmas Tree Ornamentsjulieweilbacher

357765778 963612171544772 8555141266076614743 n.jpg? nc cat=109&ccb=1 7& nc sid=c4dd86& nc ohc=lkXbm0Xh6t0AX BSFRt& nc ad=z m& nc cid=0& nc ht=scontent.cdninstagram

20. Yarn Wrapped Star Ornaments

DIY Yarn Wrapped Star Ornament. DIY Christmas Ornaments Live Laugh Rowe

19. DIY Birch Initial Ornaments

Birch Ornaments DIY

18. DIY Chalkboard Ornaments

Chalkboard Ornament

17. Etched Snowflake Ornaments in Birch

Etched Birch Ornaments 7 e1508504946250

16. Felt Christmas Tree Ornament

felt christmas tree

15. DIY Mini Deer Pallet Ornament

pallet ornament finished

14. Let it Snow – Scrabble Tile Ornament

let it snow scrabble tile ornament

13. Scrap Ribbon Christmas Tree Ornament

scrap ribbon tree

12. Peanut Snowmen Ornaments

IMG 0473

11. Citrus Wheel Ornaments

IMG 0457

10. Frozen Inspired Snowflake Ornaments

frozen 350x350 1

9. Hot Cocoa Mix Ornaments

hot cocoa mix oranaments yum

8. DIY Donut Ornaments


7. Giant Gumdrop Ornaments

gum drop ornaments dreamalittlebigger

6. French Macaron Ornaments

french macaron ornaments 2

5. Christmas Candy Ornaments

Candy ornaments vertical 900x1360 1

4. DIY Sprinkles Ornaments

Sprinkles Ornaments 17 e1510236053570

3. Cinnamon Salt Dough Ornaments

IMG 4421

2. Gum Drop Pomander Ornament 


1. Peppermint Candy Christmas Ornaments

peppermint e1510236116375

Now comes the important question… Which DIY Christmas ornaments do you like the most? Please let me know in the comments.

Few more Christmas decorations!!!

Want to save this for later? Post these DIY Christmas Ornaments to the “Christmas Decor Ideas” OR “DIY Christmas Decorations” Board!

cheap diy christmas ornaments to gift and sell
cheap diy christmas ornaments to gift and sell


2 thoughts on “35 DIY Christmas Ornaments”

    • It’s wonderful to hear that you enjoyed the project and are planning to make them yourself. I hope your grandkids have a great time creating these ornaments with you, and that they bring joy to your holiday season. Happy crafting!


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