25 DIY Christmas Tree Ornaments


If you’re searching for Easy Christmas Tree Ornaments to place on your tree, you’ll adore these DIY Christmas Tree Ornaments. Nothing beats the sight of a beautifully lighted-up Christmas tree full of Homemade Christmas Tree Ornaments you’ve created or received from friends and family. You’ll love these Christmas Tree Ornaments Ideas for sure.

Handmade ornaments offer a personal touch to the tree and are more significant than store-bought ornaments. Instead of buying store-bought ornaments this year, why not get everyone engaged in crafting their own homemade ornaments?

Then, as you appreciate the Christmas tree, you’ll realize that a lot of effort went into making it appear festive and lovely. Here are some beautiful DIY Christmas tree ornaments to help you decorate your tree this holiday season.

homemade diy christmas tree ornaments to make and sell

DIY Christmas Tree Ornaments

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Christmas Poinsettia  Flowers

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ir?t=akpalkitche08 20&language=en US&l=li3&o=1&a=B07H5L252ZChristmas Ball Ornaments Set ir?t=akpalkitche08 20&language=en US&l=li3&o=1&a=B07H5L252Zir?t=akpalkitche08 20&language=en US&l=li3&o=1&a=B07H5L252Z

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Gnomes Ornaments Set

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Clear Glass Icicle Ornament

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Charm Snowman Ornament 

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Pine Cones Ornament

25. Macrame Snowman poly_tusal

382427658 1756857578082285 1459328922517031146 n.jpg? nc cat=108&ccb=1 7& nc sid=c4dd86& nc ohc=vwgHvC8Zd5oAX9gJPxn& nc ad=z m& nc cid=0& nc ht=scontent.cdninstagram

24. Christmas Embroidered Ornamentwhyknotstitches

387847143 822215686576026 4579992426818204235 n.jpg? nc cat=107&ccb=1 7& nc sid=c4dd86& nc ohc=bZxTHTm2jpwAX9Dbi 5& nc ad=z m& nc cid=0& nc ht=scontent.cdninstagram

23. DIY Scrabble Ornamentsallthethingswithrachael

393565054 986708792393734 5439914334721879591 n.jpg? nc cat=110&ccb=1 7& nc sid=c4dd86& nc ohc=UnVmYAfhhI8AX SjPbq& nc ad=z m& nc cid=0& nc ht=scontent.cdninstagram

22. Crochet Heart Ornamentknotsmerryyarn

393124456 759266525965637 7811107169319889728 n.heic?stp=dst jpg& nc cat=108&ccb=1 7& nc sid=c4dd86& nc ohc=1S93uBKccaIAX 6OQD7& nc ad=z m& nc cid=0& nc ht=scontent.cdninstagram

21. Skate With Mrs.Claus Ornamentpriscillablain

392965609 1291579754863145 1052823767797818365 n.jpg? nc cat=109&ccb=1 7& nc sid=c4dd86& nc ohc=sTXzTjY1N4sAX nTjCk& nc ad=z m& nc cid=0& nc ht=scontent.cdninstagram

20. Pressed Flower Ornamentkmpressed

393274789 1051078889462128 8441722432819898483 n.jpg? nc cat=102&ccb=1 7& nc sid=c4dd86& nc ohc=3cZN0nlTezcAX9lHb8z& nc ad=z m& nc cid=0& nc ht=scontent.cdninstagram

19. Macrame Small Angelsrainbow.cord

393272478 1369659757287886 6159480950679070487 n.jpg? nc cat=101&ccb=1 7& nc sid=c4dd86& nc ohc=dOH0UR BY6cAX9IHNA & nc ad=z m& nc cid=0& nc ht=scontent.cdninstagram

18. Macrame Knots Ornamentcreadoodle

381367258 6922570204461469 5878999733552607702 n.jpg? nc cat=104&ccb=1 7& nc sid=c4dd86& nc ohc=E8JDNTSehNUAX83dyAr& nc ad=z m& nc cid=0& nc ht=scontent.cdninstagram

17. Mrs.Claus’ Candy Canes Ornamentpriscillablain

390759930 851317996523414 4283234993617231026 n.jpg? nc cat=108&ccb=1 7& nc sid=c4dd86& nc ohc= eKe2rJFRHUAX xTnSs& nc ad=z m& nc cid=0& nc ht=scontent.cdninstagram

16. Embroidery Angel Ornamentmagnusandquill

390905239 287116140853519 7410257263282784337 n.jpg? nc cat=100&ccb=1 7& nc sid=c4dd86& nc ohc=7w1tcdWWbHYAX95tJKS& nc ad=z m& nc cid=0& nc ht=scontent.cdninstagram

15. Felt Christmas Scene Ornamentnicholspohr

386239048 6752736181470783 8427872997764150546 n.jpg? nc cat=100&ccb=1 7& nc sid=c4dd86& nc ohc=y97yIY0vMcsAX8amKGI& nc ad=z m& nc cid=0& nc ht=scontent.cdninstagram

14. Starburst Ornamentswishmasaustralia

393010744 835418041397201 8018348879422951894 n.jpg? nc cat=111&ccb=1 7& nc sid=c4dd86& nc ohc=BT9jMWvDgUgAX TqBf3& nc ad=z m& nc cid=0& nc ht=scontent.cdninstagram

13. Christmas In July Ornamentspriscillablain

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12. Embroidered Cottage Ornamentephemeraldesignskp

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11. Seascapes Christmas Tree Ornamentmwresinart

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10. Embroidery Ballerina Ornamentlittlehavendesignsco._

392919161 1025844838761377 8690030240868713531 n.jpg? nc cat=107&ccb=1 7& nc sid=c4dd86& nc ohc=P7gI 6NovEkAX8AnmKN& nc ad=z m& nc cid=0& nc ht=scontent.cdninstagram

9. Handpainted Dog Ornamentadriana_mccollum_art

392778107 1385637398688624 890328871637246614 n.jpg? nc cat=108&ccb=1 7& nc sid=c4dd86& nc ohc=qipmq kMq8IAX9mupjZ& nc ad=z m& nc cid=0& nc ht=scontent.cdninstagram

8. Candy Floss Ornamentashfieldmacrame

383619165 635813555277400 2365533707268123142 n.webp?stp=dst jpg& nc cat=102&ccb=1 7& nc sid=c4dd86& nc ohc=YscRyZS66scAX cu Cc& nc oc=AQnPudmIOt ipUGZkwsNrSwf8 ZnsVTJmuYegwCoG8q2RsQXcIKLT 6UiIfjh4Vb6LZsO ZGufcts olrjZwhH0F& nc ad=z m& nc cid=0& nc ht=scontent.cdninstagram

7. Red, White, and Green Snowflake Ornamentsnicholspohr

385865176 728638285753150 3812402132534937567 n.jpg? nc cat=102&ccb=1 7& nc sid=c4dd86& nc ohc=xge1frSZJXcAX8MlYCp& nc ad=z m& nc cid=0& nc ht=scontent.cdninstagram

6. MAcrame Santa Ornamentknotsandcordsbyv

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5. Woven Christmas Ornamentlecfiberarts

392758303 350511927395382 8676428603455754163 n.heic?stp=dst jpg& nc cat=107&ccb=1 7& nc sid=c4dd86& nc ohc=fc2aIx5DAHcAX9WYoMD& nc ad=z m& nc cid=0& nc ht=scontent.cdninstagram

4. Handpainted Christmas Ornamentkellyventuradesign

383692179 2000279737005434 8124878369268797759 n.jpg? nc cat=106&ccb=1 7& nc sid=c4dd86& nc ohc=s2l3RaOGthEAX Z5HUB& nc ad=z m& nc cid=0& nc ht=scontent.cdninstagram

3. Christmas Fabric Snowflakes lizfenwickdiy

391434458 1075805233594286 6134340464086153355 n.jpg? nc cat=110&ccb=1 7& nc sid=c4dd86& nc ohc=uYI34cPQyaMAX8 bQgd& nc ad=z m& nc cid=0& nc ht=scontent.cdninstagram

2. Christmas Stitching Seriessisterloustitches

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1. Snowman Wine Cork Ornaments – Crayons And Cravings

Easy Wine Cork Snowman Ornament DIY

Now comes the important question… Which DIY Christmas tree ornaments do you like the most? Please let me know in the comments.

Few more Christmas ideas!!!

homemade diy christmas tree ornaments to make and sell
homemade diy christmas tree ornaments to make and sell


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