Stuffed Butternut Squash


Stuffed Butternut Squash With Quinoa & Mushrooms brings together the natural sweetness of roasted butternut squash, the nutty goodness of quinoa, and the earthy richness of mushrooms. It’s a wholesome and hearty option that can elevate your dinner table or steal the spotlight at your next gathering.

easy homemade quinoa stuffed butternut squash for fall and thanksgiving dinner

Why I Loved This Recipe

This recipe holds a special place in my heart as it originated from a cozy family dinner.

A couple of years ago, my brothers and I decided to surprise our parents with a homemade dinner.

After scouring cookbooks and brainstorming ideas, we settled on this stuffed butternut squash recipe.

As we chopped, mixed, and roasted, we realized how much we enjoyed cooking together, and the result was nothing short of fantastic.

It’s a memory I hold dear, and that’s why I’m excited to share it with you all.

easy homemade quinoa stuffed butternut squash for fall and thanksgiving dinner

Why You’ll Love This Recipe

▪️ All-in-One Goodness: Imagine digging into a stuffed squash that’s a complete meal – no extra dishes needed! Quinoa and mushrooms team up to give you protein and yumminess all in one bite.

▪️ Impressively Gorgeous: This dish isn’t just tasty; it’s a showstopper. Imagine bringing a beautifully roasted squash stuffed with flavorful goodness to your table. People will think you’re a kitchen wizard!

▪️ Veggie Delight: Even if you’re not a full-on vegetarian, this dish lets you dive into a delicious world of plant-based goodness. It’s like a cozy hug for your taste buds.

▪️ Easy Team Effort: Got friends or family over? This stuffed squash makes you look like a chef extraordinaire, but it’s actually pretty simple to put together. Team up in the kitchen and make memories while you cook.

▪️ No-Sweat Cleanup: Fewer dishes to wash means more time for what matters – enjoying your meal and chilling with your loved ones. This dish’s got your back in the kitchen cleanup department.

▪️ Party Showstopper: Got a special occasion or a potluck coming up? This stuffed squash isn’t just food; it’s a conversation starter. People will be talking about it long after it’s gone.

Helpful Kitchen Tools

easy homemade quinoa stuffed butternut squash for fall and thanksgiving dinner


Let’s talk about the stars of this dish and why they contribute to its amazing flavor profile:

▪️ 1 medium butternut squash: Provides a naturally sweet and slightly nutty base for the stuffing.

▪️ 1 cup quinoa: Rich in protein and dietary fiber, quinoa adds a satisfying and nutritious element to the dish.

▪️ 2 cups cremini mushrooms, chopped: These earthy mushrooms bring depth and a meaty texture.

▪️ 1 onion, finely chopped: Offers a sweet and aromatic layer to the stuffing.

▪️ 2-3 cloves of garlic, minced: Elevates the savory notes and adds a touch of pungency.

▪️ Fresh thyme and sage: Infuse the dish with herbal aromas and flavors.

▪️ Olive oil: Enhances the richness and aids in roasting and sautéing.

▪️ Salt and pepper: To season every layer of the dish to perfection.

easy homemade quinoa stuffed butternut squash for fall and thanksgiving dinner

Making Of Stuffed Butternut Squash

1. Get Ready to Roast: Preheat your oven to 375°F (190°C). Take a medium-sized butternut squash, slice it in half (carefully!), and scoop out those seeds. Place the halves on a baking sheet, give them a little olive oil drizzle, and sprinkle some salt and pepper love. Pop them in the oven for around 40-45 minutes until they’re tender and cozy.

2. Quinoa Magic: While the squash is getting roasted, rinse 1 cup of quinoa like you’re giving it a little shower. Cook it up by simmering it in 2 cups of water until it’s all fluffy and ready to mingle.

3. Mushroom Dance Party: Heat up a pan with a dash of olive oil. Toss in chopped onion and let it get all friendly and translucent. Next, add in a handful of chopped mushrooms and let them sizzle till they’re golden brown and looking irresistible.

easy homemade quinoa stuffed butternut squash for fall and thanksgiving dinner

4. Mix and Merge: Time to bring everyone to the same table! Combine your cooked quinoa, and the onion-mushroom duo, and throw in some minced garlic, fresh thyme, and sage. Give it a good mix, sprinkle some salt and pepper, and let the flavors hang together for a couple of minutes.

5. Stuffed and Proud: Once your squash halves are all cuddly and roasted, it’s showtime! Fill them up generously with your quinoa mushroom goodness. Think of it like a cozy little bed for your stuffing.

6. Back to the Oven: Back in the oven they go, this time for around 15-20 minutes. It’s like a little reunion where the squash and stuffing become the best of pals and share all their flavors.

easy homemade quinoa stuffed butternut squash for fall and thanksgiving dinner

Tips And Techniques

▪️ Slice Steady: When cutting the butternut squash, make sure it’s resting flat on the cutting board. This keeps it steady and helps you slice through without any slip-ups.

▪️ Quinoa Fluffiness: After your quinoa is cooked, give it a few minutes covered before fluffing it with a fork. This little waiting game helps it become all fluffy and delightful.

▪️ Mix It Up: While mushrooms are the main game here, don’t hesitate to add a medley of mushrooms. Different kinds bring unique flavors that can truly elevate your dish.

▪️ Herb Power: Fresh herbs are like magic spells for flavor. Give them a gentle rub between your fingers before adding them to your dish – that releases their aromatic powers!

▪️ Cheese Cheer: If you’re into that cheesy goodness, sprinkle some grated cheese on top before that final bake. It’s like a cozy blanket of flavor for your stuffed squash.

▪️ Early Prep: While the squash is doing its roasting dance, get your quinoa and veggies ready. Multitasking like a pro saves you precious time and gets you closer to that scrumptious meal.

easy homemade quinoa stuffed butternut squash for fall and thanksgiving dinner

Serving Size

This Stuffed Butternut Squash With Quinoa and mushrooms is crafted to serve around 2 to 4 people. So whether you’re treating your nearest and dearest or having a cozy dinner with a couple of friends, this dish has got you covered. Just gather around the table and enjoy the goodness together!

Variations / Options / Add-Ins

▪️ Cheese Lover’s Paradise: Craving extra indulgence? Mix in your favorite cheese like Parmesan or feta to add a creamy, savory twist to the stuffing.

▪️ Nutty Crunch: For a delightful crunch, toss in toasted nuts like pine nuts, almonds, or even pumpkin seeds. They’ll bring an extra layer of texture to your dish.

▪️ Sweet Sensation: Introduce a touch of sweetness with dried fruits like cranberries, apricots, or raisins. They’ll balance out the savory flavors and surprise your taste buds.

▪️ Herb Infusion: Switch up the herbs! Experiment with aromatic herbs like rosemary, parsley, or tarragon to customize the flavors to your liking.

▪️ Meat Lover’s Delight: Craving some protein? Brown some ground turkey, sausage, or crispy bacon and fold it into the stuffing for a hearty meaty version.

▪️ Veggie Bonanza: Feel free to add more veggies to the mix! Sautéed spinach, bell peppers, or even zucchini can bring a burst of color and nutrients to your dish.

easy homemade quinoa stuffed butternut squash for fall and thanksgiving dinner

Serving Suggestions

▪️ Green Garden Side: Accompany this dish with a side salad bursting with fresh greens – lettuce, spinach, and your favorite veggies. A drizzle of tangy balsamic vinaigrette will make it pop!

▪️ Protein Partners: For a complete meal, pair your stuffed squash with juicy grilled chicken or marinated tofu. The savory stuffing and protein combo will leave you satisfied and smiling.

▪️ Rice, Rice, Baby: Serve it up with a scoop of fluffy white rice or brown rice. The squash and quinoa mingle with the rice’s goodness for a delightful blend.

▪️ Herb-Infused Bliss: Keep the herb theme going by adding a handful of chopped fresh herbs, like parsley or basil, on top. It’s like giving your dish a fragrant, flavor-packed crown.

easy homemade quinoa stuffed butternut squash for fall and thanksgiving dinner

Storage Tips

▪️ Cool It Down: Before you think about storing it, let your stuffed squash cool down a bit. It’s like giving it a little breather after its time in the oven.

▪️ Airtight All the Way: Pop those leftovers into an airtight container. You want to keep the freshness in and any fridge smells out.

▪️ Refrigerator Home: Your stuffed squash buddies will feel right at home in the refrigerator. They’ll hang out there happily for up to 3 days.

▪️ Gentle Reheat: When you’re ready to enjoy those leftovers, gently reheat the stuffed squash in the oven at around 350°F (175°C). You want it to warm up without turning into a hot mess.

▪️ No Freezing Adventure: While freezing might sound tempting, the truth is, that the texture might not be the same when you thaw it out. It’s best to enjoy your stuffed squash fresh for the tastiest experience.

▪️ Leftover Makeover: If you’re feeling creative, you can use any leftover stuffing as a tasty topping for salads or as a filling for wraps. Waste not, want not, right?

Stuffed Butternut Squash with quinoa


Q. Can I use a different type of squash?

Absolutely! Acorn squash, delicata squash, or even sweet potatoes can be used as alternatives.

Q. Can I make this dish ahead of time?

While the dish is best enjoyed fresh, you can prepare the stuffing in advance and assemble and bake the squash just before serving.

Q. Is this recipe gluten-free?

Yes, it is! Quinoa is naturally gluten-free and a fantastic option for those with dietary restrictions.

Q. Can I freeze the stuffed squash?

I recommend enjoying it fresh for the best texture and flavor. Freezing may affect the texture of the squash and stuffing.

Q. Can I add meat to the stuffing?

Certainly! Sautéed ground turkey, sausage, or cooked bacon can be added to the stuffing for a meatier version.

Stuffed Butternut Squash

Stuffed Butternut Squash With Quinoa & Mushrooms brings together the natural sweetness of roasted butternut squash, the nutty goodness of quinoa, and the earthy richness of mushrooms. 
Prep Time20 minutes
Cook Time1 hour
Total Time1 hour 20 minutes
Course: Main Course
Cuisine: American
Keyword: Butternut Squash, Dinner, Fall, Mushroom, Thanksgiving
Servings: 3 people


  • Baking Sheet
  • Sharp Knife
  • Spoon or Melon Baller
  • Sauté Pan


  • 1 medium butternut squash
  • 1 cup quinoa
  • 2 cups cremini mushrooms chopped
  • 1 onion finely chopped
  • 2-3 cloves of garlic minced
  • Fresh thyme and sage
  • Olive oil
  • Salt and pepper


  • Preheat the oven to 375°F (190°C).
  • Cut the squash in half lengthwise and scoop out the seeds.
  • Place squash halves on a baking sheet, drizzle with olive oil, and season with salt and pepper.
  • Roast for 40-45 minutes until squash is tender.
  • While the squash roasts, rinse quinoa and cook it according to package instructions.
  • Sauté onion and garlic in a pan with olive oil until soft.
  • Add mushrooms to the pan and cook until browned.
  • Mix cooked quinoa, sautéed veggies, fresh thyme, and sage in the pan.
  • Fill the roasted squash halves with the quinoa mixture.
  • Bake for 15-20 more minutes until flavors meld.


  • Use different squashes like acorns or sweet potatoes.
  • Swap cremini mushrooms with other types like shiitake.
Variations / Options / Add-Ins
  • Add cheese like Parmesan for richness.
  • Include nuts or seeds for crunch.
  • Try dried fruit like cranberries for sweetness.
Serving Suggestions
  • Serve with a side salad or protein like chicken.
Pro Tips
  • Choose a symmetrical squash for even cooking.
  • Prep quinoa and chop veggies while squash roasts.
  • Let the quinoa sit covered before fluffing.
Storage Tips
  • Store leftovers in an airtight container in the fridge for up to 3 days.
  • Gently reheat in the oven at 350°F (175°C).
  • Avoid freezing for the best texture.


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