White Bean Chicken Chili


This Homemade White Bean Chicken Chili combines tender chicken, creamy white beans, vibrant bell peppers, and sweet corn in a rich, aromatic broth. It’s got a spicy kick that’ll keep you coming back for more!

easy creamy white bean chicken chili soup recipe is a comfort soup perfect for weeknight dinners

Why I Love This Recipe

I love this recipe because it’s a hearty and flavorful one-pot wonder that’s incredibly easy to make.

The combination of tender diced chicken, colorful bell peppers, white beans, and corn creates a symphony of textures and tastes.

The aromatic blend of cumin, chili powder, and oregano infuses each bite with warmth and depth.

Plus, it’s a versatile dish you can customize to suit your taste – add a pinch more spice or a handful of fresh cilantro for that extra burst of freshness.

This soup is a comforting, budget-friendly meal that’s perfect for a busy day, and it never fails to fill my home with the comforting aroma of home-cooked goodness.

easy creamy white bean chicken chili soup recipe is a comfort soup perfect for weeknight dinners

Why You’ll Love This Recipe

▪️ Quick and Flavorful: This recipe comes together in a flash, making it perfect for busy weeknight dinners.

▪️ Vibrant Colors: The assorted bell peppers add a pop of color to your plate, making it visually appealing.

▪️ Versatile and Wholesome: Packed with chicken, veggies, beans, and spices, it’s a hearty and balanced meal in a bowl.

▪️ Comfort in Every Spoonful: The blend of cumin, chili powder, and oregano creates a warm and comforting flavor profile.

▪️ Customizable: Adjust the seasonings to your taste, and don’t forget the cilantro garnish for a burst of freshness!

Helpful Kitchen Tools

easy creamy white bean chicken chili soup recipe is a comfort soup perfect for weeknight dinners


▪️ 1 pound boneless, skinless chicken breasts, diced: Chicken adds protein and a satisfying texture to the chili, making each bite hearty and delicious.

▪️ 2 tablespoons olive oil: Olive oil is used for sautéing and adds a rich, savory flavor to the dish.

▪️ 1 large onion, diced: Onions bring a touch of sweetness and a wonderful aroma that forms the base of our chili.

▪️ 3 cloves garlic, minced: Garlic gives a fragrant and savory kick, making the chili flavors pop.

▪️ 2 bell peppers, diced (assorted colors): Bell peppers provide beautiful colors and a mild, slightly sweet taste that balances the chili’s heat.

▪️ 1 can (15 oz) white beans, drained and rinsed: White beans are creamy and hearty, giving the chili a comforting texture.

▪️ 1 can (15 oz) corn kernels, drained: Corn adds sweetness and a delightful crunch to every spoonful.

▪️ 1 can (4 oz) diced green chilies: Diced green chilies contribute gentle heat and tanginess to the chili.

▪️ 4 cups chicken broth: Chicken broth forms the flavorful foundation of the chili, bringing all the ingredients together.

▪️ 1 teaspoon ground cumin: Ground cumin adds warm earthiness and depth to the chili’s taste.

▪️ 1 teaspoon chili powder: Chili powder gives the chili its spicy kick and a burst of flavor.

▪️ ½ teaspoon dried oregano: Dried oregano introduces a hint of herbal fragrance that complements the other spices.

▪️ Salt and pepper to taste: Salt and pepper enhance all the flavors and season the chili perfectly.

▪️ Fresh cilantro, chopped (for garnish): Chopped cilantro adds a fresh, vibrant touch and a burst of aroma when sprinkled over the chili.

easy creamy white bean chicken chili soup recipe is a comfort soup perfect for weeknight dinners

Making Of White Bean Chicken Chili

STEP 1: Heat a bit of olive oil in a large pot over medium heat. Add diced chicken pieces and cook until they’re cooked through and slightly golden. The enticing aroma is a sign of delicious things to come!

STEP 2: In the same pot, add diced onion and cook until it becomes soft and inviting. Add minced garlic for an instant flavor boost that will transform your kitchen into a flavor wonderland.

STEP 3: Introduce colorful diced bell peppers to the party and let them soften, bringing their vibrant personalities to the mix.

STEP 4: Sprinkle in ground cumin, chili powder, dried oregano, a pinch of salt, and pepper. Stir well – the spices envelop the veggies and chicken like a cozy blanket.

easy creamy white bean chicken chili soup recipe is a comfort soup perfect for weeknight dinners

STEP 5: Bring the sautéed chicken back to the pot and add drained white beans, corn kernels, and diced green chilies. Pour in chicken broth to make everyone feel at home.

STEP 6: Reduce the heat and let the chili gently simmer for about 20-25 minutes. The flavors meld together beautifully during this time.

STEP 7: Grab a spoon and taste your creation. Add more spices if you want an extra kick. This chili is all about making it your own!

STEP 8: Ladle the chili into bowls, remembering that we eat with our eyes first. Sprinkle freshly chopped cilantro on top like nature’s confetti, celebrating your culinary masterpiece.

easy creamy white bean chicken chili soup recipe is a comfort soup perfect for weeknight dinners

Tips & Techniques

▪️ Don’t hesitate to taste your chili as it cooks and tweak the seasoning to your liking.

▪️ For a thicker chili, mash white beans with a fork before adding them—it’s a natural way to make it heartier.

▪️ If you love spice, add cayenne pepper or jalapeños for an extra kick.

▪️ Use a slow cooker for a set-and-forget experience. After sautéing, let it cook on low for 6-8 hours or high for 3-4 hours.

▪️ Enhance your chili with garnishes like grated cheese, sour cream, green onions, or a squeeze of lime for that extra pop of flavor.

easy creamy white bean chicken chili soup recipe is a comfort soup perfect for weeknight dinners

Serving Size

This recipe makes enough for about 4 to 6 servings. So whether you’re having a cozy family dinner or inviting friends over, you’ll have plenty of delicious Homemade White Bean Chicken Chili to go around. Enjoy sharing the warmth and flavors with your loved ones!

Serving Suggestions

▪️ Enhance your chili with grated cheese for a gooey, savory delight.

▪️ Balance the heat with a dollop of sour cream, adding creamy luxury.

▪️ Fresh green onions provide a crunchy, colorful twist to your bowl.

▪️ A dash of lime juice zests up the flavors and cuts through the richness.

▪️ Creamy diced avocado pairs perfectly with the hearty chili.

▪️ Try homemade croutons for a satisfying crunch and extra flavor.

easy creamy white bean chicken chili soup recipe is a comfort soup perfect for weeknight dinners


▪️ Go vegetarian by using vegetable broth and adding extra beans or tofu for protein.

▪️ Try a seafood twist by swapping chicken for shrimp or white fish.

▪️ Enhance the flavor with a hint of smoked paprika for smokiness.

▪️ If you’re gluten-free, double-check that your ingredients like chicken broth are gluten-free too.

easy creamy white bean chicken chili soup recipe is a comfort soup perfect for weeknight dinners

Storage Tips

For your Chicken and White Bean Chili, cool any leftovers to room temperature and store them in an airtight container in the refrigerator for up to 3-4 days. When reheating, use the stovetop or microwave. To freeze for later, use a freezer-safe container for up to 2-3 months. Thaw in the refrigerator before reheating, and consider adding chicken broth to restore the soup’s consistency as needed. These tips will help you enjoy your chili again and again.

Hot Homemade White Bean Chicken Chili


Q. Can I adjust the level of spiciness in this recipe?

Absolutely, customize the spiciness by reducing chili powder or omitting/changing the green chilies.

Q. Can I make this White Bean Chicken Chili in a slow cooker?

Yes, after sautéing, transfer to a slow cooker and cook on low for 6-8 hours or high for 3-4 hours.

Q. Can I substitute the chicken with another protein or make a vegetarian version?

Definitely! Skip chicken for a veg version with extra beans or tofu. Try seafood like shrimp or fish for a twist. Adjust cooking times accordingly.

White Bean Chicken Chili With Corn And Peppers

White Bean Chicken Chili With Corn And Peppers is a delightful blend of tender chicken, creamy white beans, colorful bell peppers, and sweet corn, all simmered together in a rich and aromatic broth.
Prep Time15 minutes
Cook Time30 minutes
Total Time45 minutes
Servings: 4


  • 1 pound boneless skinless chicken breasts, diced
  • 2 tablespoons olive oil
  • 1 large onion diced
  • 3 cloves garlic minced
  • 2 bell peppers diced (assorted colors)
  • 1 can (15 oz) white beans drained and rinsed
  • 1 can (15 oz) 1corn kernels, drained
  • 1 can (4 oz) green chilies diced
  • 4 cups chicken broth
  • 1 teaspoon ground cumin
  • 1 teaspoon chili powder
  • ½ teaspoon dried oregano
  • Salt and pepper to taste
  • Fresh cilantro chopped (for garnish)


  • Sauté diced chicken in 1 tablespoon of olive oil until cooked and golden. Set aside.
  • Sauté diced onion in remaining olive oil until translucent. Add minced garlic and cook for 30 seconds.
  • Add diced bell peppers and cook until slightly softened.
  • Sprinkle ground cumin, chili powder, dried oregano, salt, and pepper. Stir to coat.
  • Return sautéed chicken to pot. Add white beans, corn, diced green chilies, and chicken broth. Mix well.
  • Simmer uncovered for 20-25 minutes to meld flavors.
  • Taste and adjust seasoning. Garnish with chopped cilantro.


Tips & Techniques
  • Adjust chili’s spice by reducing chili powder and green chilies for milder heat.
  • To thicken, mash some white beans with a fork before adding.
  • Try a slow cooker by transferring sautéed ingredients and cooking on low for 6-8 hours or high for 3-4 hours.
Serving Suggestions
  • Customize bowls with grated cheese, sour cream, sliced green onions, or a squeeze of lime.
  • Skip chicken, use veggie broth, and add more beans or tofu for a vegetarian version.
  • Swap chicken for shrimp or white fish for a seafood twist.
  • Add a pinch of smoked paprika for a smoky flavor.
  • Ensure all ingredients are gluten-free for a worry-free meal.


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