25 Fun Easy Summer Crafts


Summer is the perfect time to get creative and make some fun DIY summer crafts! Whether you’re looking for summer camp crafts or just want some fun summer DIY projects to do at home, we’ve got you covered. In this post, the best summer crafts for adults and kids alike. From beach-themed crafts, watermelon crafts, fish crafts, and flower crafts to tropical crafts, and DIY summer home decor, there’s something for everyone. So, grab your supplies and get crafting!

Crafting can help relieve boredom, promote creativity, and provide a sense of accomplishment.

There are so many fun and easy projects that can be completed in a short amount of time, and they’ll keep the little ones entertained for hours.

This article provides a list of fun summer crafts that you can do with your kids.

fun diy spring and summer crafts for kids and adults

Fun Easy Summer Crafts For Kids And Adults

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25. Watermelon Garland


24. Rickrack Picture Frames

diy rickrack picture frame idea 1

23. Threaded Paper Plate Flowers

Paper Plate Laced Flowers pin 6

21. Pipe Cleaner Mermaid Dolls

pipe cleaner mermaid dolls11

20. Tropical Tote Bags 

stencil%2Brevolution%2Bsummer%2Bcamp%2Btote%2Bbag%2Bdiy%2Bpineapple%2Bpeacock%2Band%2Bflamingo%2B%252817%2529 min

19. Flapping Butterfly Craft

Flapping Butterfly Craft

18. Pressed Flower Lanterns

Pressed Flower Lanterns

17. Bubble Painting Hydrangea Flowers

make bubble painting Hydrangea flowers

16. Wood Bead Flowers

IMG 2072

15. DIY Suncatchers with Glass Beads

Glass Bead Suncatcher

14. DIY Watermelon Coasters

Watermelon Coasters2 13

13. Paper Plate Dream Catchers

Paper Plate Dream Catchers

12. Pipe Cleaner Butterfly Rings

DSC 1842

11. Coloring Pages Sun Catchers

easy sun catchers highlight jen goode

10. Bubble Wand Making Station

diy bubble wand making station 7.jpg

9. Pet Cactus Rocks

Pet Rock Cactus

8. Fantasy Dragon Eggs

how to make fantasy clay eggs dragons mermaids and seamonsters 5

7. Paper Umbrellas

Paper Umbrellas Craft for Kids

6. Jellyfish Salt Painting

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5. Melted Crayon Turtle Suncatcher

Melted Crayon turtle2

4. Paper Swimming Fish

Swimming Fish Craft CG

3. Pom Pom Shooter

Pom Pom Shooters 28

2. Watermelon God’s Eye

Watermelon Weaving.jpg

1. Beaded Wind Chimes

diy wind chimes for kids consumer crafts unleashed 2 1

Now comes the important question… Which summer crafts do you like the most? Please let me know in the comments.

Few more summer ideas!!!

fun diy spring and summer crafts for kids and adults
fun diy spring and summer crafts for kids and adults


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